Galvin Library News
Celebrate Open Education Week!
Join Illinois Tech librarians, faculty, and students on March 3-7 to celebrate Open Education Week! An annual celebration, Open Education Week is an…
Research Funding Sources Workshops
This workshop will demonstrate the use of research databases (like Web of Science) and the GrantForward funding database to identify potential funding sources for your research.…
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Research & Research Writing Workshops
Generative AI tools like ChatGPT are being widely used, but often falsify information (a process known as “hallucinating”). For this reason, many publishers and funders restrict the…
Publishing Ethics & Strategies Workshops
Learn about critical ethical considerations including plagiarism and self-plagiarism, authorship attribution and contributor roles, and ethical practices in open access publishing. We'll explore…
Patents as a Research Source Workshops
This workshop will cover patent terminology and demonstrate effective tools to search for patents, as patents are often the only descriptions of corporate research.
…Incorporating Sources Into Your Manuscript Workshops
This workshop covers the mechanics of citing sources, including examples of paraphrasing, summarizing, and quoting. The use of style guides and citation management tools like Zotero…
Sourcing References to Back Up Your Claims Workshop
This workshop will discuss how to source high quality documents to contextualize your research, demonstrate the need for your research, and in general back up claims you make in your…
Structuring Proposals & Literature Reviews Workshop
This workshop will cover a framework for structuring academic papers known as “Creating A Research Space" or CARS. This framework was developed by analyzing successful, highly cited…
Getting the Most Out of Zotero Workshop
This workshop will cover more advanced topics in using Zotero to manage your references, including the use of Zotero’s notes field, manually adding records or attachments, editing…
Women in STEAM Wikipedia Edit-a-thon
Join us as we celebrate Women’s History Month by working to improve the Wikipedia entries of women known for their work in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math)…